Early June trip report

Early June trip report

We left Lochaline with 4 White Tailed Eagles in view on the ridge line and headed out into the Sound of Mull. A left turn past Old Ardtornish castle put us in Ardtornish Bay and a quick stop to see if the Peregrines were out hunting. Nothing out and about, so we continued down the coast to the Seal colony and then across the Sound towards Craignure.

One of the pair came down to the Gull colony near the nest and took a Gull, which was awesome. The other of the pair then headed out to fish and duly took a fish fairly quickly

We headed off to the next pair and ended up being lucky with one of the pair sneaking around the back of the boat and picked a fish from the water behind us.

Back to base after this, a successful day done.

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